Acute Peripheral Artery Insufficiency — Left Foot
This 53-year-old female with no significant past medical history underwent a repair of her left second through fifth hammertoe deformities, a left second medial osteotomy and left bunionectomy on 3/15/11. She has had a threeand-a-half-year period of painful ambulation with unsuccessful injections and offloading with orthotics, eventually leading to surgical repair. Unfortunately two days post-op, her left third toe began darkening from significant postoperative vascular compromise resulting in toe mummification with progression to the adjoining digits. She was seen the following week in the emergency room for cellulitis and she was given antibiotics. The patient was referred for a hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation at HyOx Medical Treatment Center for her acute arterial insufficiency in order to inhibit further loss of adjoining toes, as well as possible left forefoot amputation and possible below-knee amputation. The patient participated in 19 hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments from 03/30/2011 through 04/29/2011.
Result: With formal vascular assessment, oral antibiotic therapy, meticulous wound care, and adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments, her foot was salvaged and further amputation avoided.