Acute Thermal Burns
Thermal burns are the most common type of burn and result from exposure to or contact with steam, flames, flash, and hot surfaces or liquids with a temperature above 115° F. In most burns, cell and tissue death happens in the central area of injury and moves to normal tissue. The injured tissue can either die or heal depending on treatment and the body’s response to it. The body has an intense inflammatory reaction to the heat leading to swelling and sluggish blood flow. The basic problems in burn repair include susceptibility to infection because of the loss of skin, prolonged healing and excessive scarring.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works well to preserve as much tissue as possible to help the surgeon, especially on burns on the hands or face. The therapy may lessen the need for surgery, reduce the length of hospitalization, and reduce mortality rate.
Used as an adjunct to traditional burn care, hyperbaric oxygen therapy delivered helps advance burn healing by its ability to:
Elevate tissue oxygen tension in third-degree burns and adjacent areas to promote new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) and epithelial regeneration.
Decrease swelling.
Optimize skin grafting success.
Decrease infection rates.
Maintain micro-vascular integrity.
Promote wound closure in serious burns (greater than 20 percent total body surface).
Best when initiated within the first few hours following the injury or as quickly as possible in partial or full thickness burns covering greater than 20 percent of total body surface area or with the involvement of hands, face, feet, or perineum.