Crush Injuries
Crush injuries are known as acute traumatic peripheral ischemias and are a result of injuries that compromise circulation to an extremity. These serious injuries involve the sudden occlusion (blockage) of the peripheral arterial blood supply which makes the surrounding tissue deprived of needed oxygen threatening the loss of limb, function or life. Other trauma-induced complications may occur including reperfusion injury, suturing of severed limbs and deglovings.
Crush injuries benefit from adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy by its ability to:
Increase the amount of oxygen helps met the metabolic demand of the injured tissue and bone.
Decrease swelling.
Help with infection control and resolution.
Aid fibroblasts in laying down collagen.
Create new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and cellular growth.
Protect tissue from reperfusion injury (an inflammatory response that may occur when blood supply is returned to an area of the body once deprived of oxygen).
Prevent loss of limb.
Reduce complications.
Immediately, following surgical intervention.